Standard Staff Vacancies

08/06/2014 10:40
Derbyshire FM currently has standard staff vacancies that are available. We still haven't had anyone who has taken this opportunity up but if you would like to either be part of the Admin Team, LiveDesk Answering Team, Social Networking Team or be a Radio DJ/Presenter you can do that now with Derbyshire FM! These aren't the only jobs that we currently have available so if you would like a job with us please let us know and we will try to suit your needs.
If you would like to join any of these teams we would love to hear from you, please go to our contract downloads page to download your application pack and fill it in, if you have a job in mind that we haven't got these packs for please contact us and we can provide you with one. Then send it back to us and once the post has closed (different for each job, see application packs) we will then contact you to organise the best time for a short interview to take place. After this we will then have a staff voice session (without the candidate) to discuss who we feel is best fit for the job and then we will contact with the news! If we need to shortlist the job role then we will do so.
Good luck!...